Blog #7 for HONO1397

 Howdy my amazing blogviewers (yes, I mean all 3 of my loyal viewers),

This week’s sleep schedule for me was really good actually. Surprisingly, I was able to get 8 hours of sleep from Monday through Thursday and let me tell you, sleeping works some wonders to the human body! I was able to get a lot done as far as homework assignments, work responsibilities, and school engagement. My workout life seemed to have been boosted as well as I was able to hit my required numbers for all my lifts (squat, bench, deadlift) with a bit more in the tank afterwards. So overall it was a good start to the week! 

It did however, take a downhill turn starting Thursday night all the way through Sunday. I drove home on Thursday ay 8pm and I drove a solid 6 hours back to El Paso. I didn’t feel tired but I drank my usual energy drink, which by the way, I realized something strange regarding caffeinated drinks. They have a different effect on my body depending on the brand. I decided to drink a different brand from the one I usually take and I was wide awake and alert the whole drive. So I wonder if its caffeine that gives you that alertness or some other chemicals/add ones that the energy drinks come with. I’ll be doing some research on that for the following days to come. 

All in all, my sleep schedule went back to the horrible schedule it had, and I’ve been taking 1-2 hour naps everyday because of how sleepy I have been. But I will make it an effort to fix it this upcoming weekend!


  1. Nice! 8 hours of sleep for four days straight sounds nice! I 100% believe you that you felt better and were more productive. I believe you'll get back to that schedule as well!


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